QEmu for Windows

I have to run a demo for my DiplomArbeit talk tomorrow. This has to be on a Windows PC because this software has been written for windows only (not by me). My component runs on linux though. So I was pointed in the direction of QEmu for windows. This is available at http://free.oszoo.org/download.html At this place you get QEmu plus preinstalled images of free OSes. I can finally look at plan9 :) After work is done of course :)

To get Qemu running under windows you first need to create an image with qemu-img:

C:\> qemu-img.exe create D:\ubuntu.img 4096M

Then boot that image by

C:\> qemu.exe -hdc D:\ubuntu.img -cdrom D:\ubuntu-install.iso -boot d

And you are up and running an installation. There is also a batch file included to automate the start...saves you from typing in all that crap over and over again :)

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