Since NIS has seen its hayday (in the early 90ies), we switched to the highly secure LDAP+Kerberos setup. OpenLDAP is touted as the allround “Solution” to all user account management, sorry, I meant to say account provisioning. After converting our NIS
file to thousands of LDIF files we imported them with the obvious three-linerfor i in *ldif; do \ ldapadd -v -W -D "cn=admin,dc=our,dc=domain" \ -c -H ldapi:/// -f $i done
After fiddling with half a dozen files in
, the client systems could look up user data on the LDAP server. Our test for that wasSo it seemed plausible to create a list of all users bygetent passwd aknownuser getent passwd anotherknownuser
and install that as a list of valid recipients of e-mails.getent passwd | awk -F: '{print $1}' > allourusers
This was a grave error, because one of the manymany default settings of OpenLDAP is to return only the first 500 answers to any request. So the list was short by a few hundred accounts.
Considering that LDAP has no concept of a cursor and one cannot ask for the next 500 entries, one can only ask
What the fsck were they thinking???
Mon, 28 Nov 2011
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