Memoizing Functions in MatLab
Three less known features of MatLab allow for memoizing functions:Code:
- nested functions
- property lists on Variables
- function handles
Test with e.g.function mf = memoize(f) % Returns the memoized version of function f. % f must have exactly one numerical argument. % The memoized version cannot be called without an argument. % Memoizing functions of continous ranges % may not be as useful as imagined... h = []; % our pseudo hashtable by abuse of the property list. % MatLab creates this fresh for every call of memoize % and retains it for the lifetime of the memoized function function r = ff(x) % matlab allows only "MatLab words" as keys xstr= ['m', num2str(x)]; if isfield(h, xstr) r=h.(xstr); else h.(xstr) = f(x); r = h.(xstr); end end mf = @ff; end
Callfunction o = foo(x) pause on pause 5 o = x*x end
mfoo = memoize(@foo); foo(4) foo(4) mfoo(4) mfoo(4)
Mon, 11 Mar 2013
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