Rings ℤ/nℤ by abuse of __init__subclass__
There are many ways to implement the arithmetic of ℤ modulo nℤ in Python. A class with an__init__(self, k, n)
for the ring elementk mod n
is awkward to use because the modulusn
is fixed for all members of the ring but must be passed as an argument for each new object. Python's baroque interpretation of object oriented programming has the obscure__init__subclass__
class method. It's called in the parent class when a derived class's object is constructed. This lends itself to the following (very abridged and bowdlerised):class zmodn: @staticmethod def mk_init_sub(n): def __init__sub(self, k): self.k = k % n self.n = n return __init__sub def __init_subclass__(cls): name = cls.__name__ u = name.rindex("_"); clsmodstr = name[u+1:]; clsmod = int(clsmodstr) cls.__init__ = zmodn.mk_init_sub(clsmod) # inject constructor def __add__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.k + other.k) def __neg__(self): return self.__class__(-self.k) def __sub__(self, other): return self + (-other) # ....It does the following: if a class inherits fromzmodn
gets called with the new class (as an object). It parses the__name__
of the class from the right to find an underscore, and casts everything right of it into anint
. The newly created class gets an autogenerated__init__
method, which containsclsmod
as closure. Example codeclass ring_12(zmodn): pass two = ring_12(2) six = ring_12(6) zero = two*sixThe wholezmodn.py
has some more methods and injects a__truediv__
operator in classes where the modulus is prime.
Thu, 23 Jan 2025
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